În ultimul deceniu, lumea jocurilor de noroc s-a schimbat radical în România, în special cu apariția noi cazinourilor online. Această tendință, alimentată de progresul tehnologic și de comoditatea jucătorilor, a transformat complet modul în care românii se bucură de jocurile lor preferate.

Una dintre caracteristicile marcante ale cele mai cazinouri noi 2023 este folosirea tehnologiilor de ultimă oră. Acestea oferă jucătorilor o experiență fluidă și captivantă, cu grafică impresionantă și sunete imersive. De asemenea, varietatea jocurilor disponibile a crescut semnificativ. De la sloturi tradiționale la jocuri de masă și până la cazinouri live cu dealeri reali, opțiunile par nesfârșite. Însă, nu doar diversitatea jocurilor face apel la jucători. Noile cazinouri online aduc o serie de beneficii incontestabile. Jucătorii pot accesa platformele oricând și de oriunde, având nevoie doar de o conexiune la internet. În plus, promoțiile și bonusurile oferite sunt deseori mult mai generoase decât cele din cazinourile tradiționale, oferind oportunități suplimentare de câștig.


Juvederm® Voluma®

Many of the visible signs of facial aging are due to the loss of volume that comes with the breakdown of fat as we age. Chicago patients of Northwestern Specialists in Plastic Surgery can achieve beautiful, natural-looking correction of wrinkles, lines, and folds by replacing lost volume with injectable dermal fillers. At our plastic surgery practice in Chicago, lost collagen can be replaced with any of the major dermal fillers, including JUVÉDERM® VOLUMA® Injectable Gel

JUVÉDERM® VOLUMA® is typically used for restoring volume to the cheek that is lost with aging. This product is composed of hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring substance that can be found in the body normally, and provides volume and binds moisture beneath the skin. There is very little risk of allergic reaction with JUVÉDERM® VOLUMA®, as it is completely biocompatible and biodegradable. At our Chicago plastic surgery practice we provide JUVÉDERM® VOLUMA® for enhancement of volume in the cheek and midface region. To discuss which injectable filler is right for you, click here to request a consultation online at our downtown Chicago plastic surgery offices or you can call our practice at (312) 266-6240 and one of our helpful staff members will schedule your appointment.

JUVÉDERM® VOLUMA® is typically used for restoring volume to the cheek that is lost with aging. This product is composed of hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring substance that can be found in the body normally, and provides volume and binds moisture beneath the skin. There is very little risk of allergic reaction with JUVÉDERM® VOLUMA®, as it is completely biocompatible and biodegradable.

Areas of Treatment

Areas of Treatment

The main treatment areas for which Juvederm is used includes cheeks, lines, wrinkles and lips. In the cheeks, Juvederm is the only filler that is proven to last up to two years. In lines and wrinkles throughout your face, you can expect treatment to last anywhere from 12 to 18 months. In the lips, Juvederm is proven to last up to one year.

Rely On Our Team

Rely On Our Team

When it comes to your body, it is important that you trust only the best of the best in the field. Whether this is your first time getting a procedure done or if you have had experience with fillers in the past, you’ll immediately feel our expertise. We take pride in offering our patients guidance every step of the process, answering questions and making suggestions based on our years of experience in this industry.

At our Chicago plastic surgery practice we provide JUVÉDERM® VOLUMA® for enhancement of volume in the cheek and midface region.

Contact Us Today!

Northwestern Specialists
in Plastic Surgery

676 N St Clair Street, Suite 1575
Chicago, IL 60611

Monday-Friday: 8a-5p
Saturday & Sunday: Closed

Northwestern Med Spa Streeterville

676 N St Clair Street, Suite 1575
Chicago, IL 60611

Monday: 8a-6p
Tuesday-Thursday: 8a-7p
Friday: 9a-5p
Saturday: 9a-2p
Sunday: Closed

Northwestern Med Spa River North

3 E Huron Street, 3rd Floor
Chicago, IL 60611

Monday-Thursday: 10a-7p
Friday: 9a-5p
Saturday: 9a-2p
Sunday: Closed

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