În ultimul deceniu, lumea jocurilor de noroc s-a schimbat radical în România, în special cu apariția noi cazinourilor online. Această tendință, alimentată de progresul tehnologic și de comoditatea jucătorilor, a transformat complet modul în care românii se bucură de jocurile lor preferate.

Una dintre caracteristicile marcante ale cele mai cazinouri noi 2023 este folosirea tehnologiilor de ultimă oră. Acestea oferă jucătorilor o experiență fluidă și captivantă, cu grafică impresionantă și sunete imersive. De asemenea, varietatea jocurilor disponibile a crescut semnificativ. De la sloturi tradiționale la jocuri de masă și până la cazinouri live cu dealeri reali, opțiunile par nesfârșite. Însă, nu doar diversitatea jocurilor face apel la jucători. Noile cazinouri online aduc o serie de beneficii incontestabile. Jucătorii pot accesa platformele oricând și de oriunde, având nevoie doar de o conexiune la internet. În plus, promoțiile și bonusurile oferite sunt deseori mult mai generoase decât cele din cazinourile tradiționale, oferind oportunități suplimentare de câștig.


BodyTite is a fantastic way to tighten sagging skin and is great in combination with liposuction. BodyTite is one of the most cutting-edge treatments available. Patients get surgical-like results without having to undergo surgery!

What Our
Patients Say

Dr. Schierle was amazing, he spent so much time making sure I was comfortable and felt good about my decision. He responded to several of my emails with questions after my initial consultation, even late at night. His staff was so kind and they all went above and beyond all of my expectations even after my surgery, they called to check up on me and have always worked around my schedule to fit me in for appts. I would recommend them to anyone, it has been the best experience and I could not be more pleased with my results. I feel like a woman again and not just a mom (4 kids under 6).”

- Brandy R.

What is BodyTite?

What is BodyTite?

BodyTite is a fantastic option for individuals who are looking to tighten saggy, wrinkled skin and is great in combination with liposuction. With no scalpels or scars, BodyTite is a minimally invasive technique that lifts, tightens, and shapes the body. With minimal recovery time, patients are left with surgical-like results.

In order to reduce skin sagging brought on by weight loss, pregnancy, or aging, this body-contouring technique can be applied to many different parts of the body. BodyTite works wonders on the knees, inner and outer thighs, arms, abdomen, and flanks.

How does BodyTite work?

How does BodyTite work?

BodyTite provides results that were previously only possible through invasive surgery by effectively performing internal and exterior lipolysis (the elimination of fat cells) and skin tightening. BodyTite works by using radio-frequency energy that is applied beneath the skin. In comparison to regular liposuction, which merely eliminates fat and eventually causes skin to loosen, this causes the skin to stimulate the production of new collagen and causes skin to tighten. Our physicians will perform BodyTite using a tiny incision site to target the correct locations. You’ll need about 15 to 20 minutes for each treated area, which can vary depending on the size of the treatment areas.

How is BodyTite performed?

How is BodyTite performed?

BodyTite is commonly performed in the office under local anesthesia. BodyTite is usually paired with liposuction to first debulk the fat then followed by the BodyTite to tighten the skin. The treatment area is numbed with a dilute local anesthesia solution that contains both lidocaine and epinephrine. After numbing, the procedure is usually painless and takes about 1-2 hours depending on the amount of areas treated.

What to expect after BodyTite?

What to expect after BodyTite?

Based on the amount of fat that was removed, the number of locations that were treated, and other unique circumstances, the recovery period following BodyTite can differ from patient to patient. After receiving BodyTite, patients may typically go back to work in a few days and start more strenuous activities, including exercise, after a few weeks. Compression clothing is used during the BodyTite healing process, much like it is during traditional liposuction recovery, to reduce swelling and encourage smooth, natural-looking results. Most BodyTite swelling will subside within 4 to 6 weeks, and patients will be able to see the beginnings of their slim new figure. The full effects of BodyTite will be evident over the next three to six months.

Who is a good candidate?

Who is a good candidate?

One of the most cutting-edge body shaping procedures now offered is BodyTite. It is a popular option for healthy individuals who have had changes to their bodies as a result of aging, pregnancy, or weight changes and want to avoid scarring or a surgical operation. However, it is not a solution for losing weight. People who would benefit well from this minimally invasive treatment:

  • Are at or near their desired body weight
  • Maintain a healthy, active lifestyle
  • Have a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or below

BodyTite FAQs

Read All FAQs →

Targeted areas for BodyTite?

BodyTite can be performed on the following areas: abdomen, upper arms, lower back or "love handles", upper back or bra line, hips, thighs, and above the knees.

BodyTite causes tissue to tighten and contract by 25–45% over time. The effects of your BodyTite treatment will last for years as you maintain your weight within 5 to 10 pounds. However, BodyTite cannot stop the body’s natural aging process. Just like “normal skin” will age, the BodyTite skin will also age gradually. Duration of the effects of the results will depend on age, sun exposure, smoking status, genetics etc.

Most of our patients do a combination of liposuction with skin tightening, however some patients are good candidates for only skin tightening. This can be determined at your consultation.

Contact Us Today!

Northwestern Specialists
in Plastic Surgery

676 N St Clair Street, Suite 1575
Chicago, IL 60611

Monday-Friday: 8a-5p
Saturday & Sunday: Closed

Northwestern Med Spa Streeterville

676 N St Clair Street, Suite 1575
Chicago, IL 60611

Monday: 8a-6p
Tuesday-Thursday: 8a-7p
Friday: 9a-5p
Saturday: 9a-2p
Sunday: Closed

Northwestern Med Spa River North

3 E Huron Street, 3rd Floor
Chicago, IL 60611

Monday-Thursday: 10a-7p
Friday: 9a-5p
Saturday: 9a-2p
Sunday: Closed

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