Tummy Tuck is an excellent way to smooth the contour of the abdomen by removing the excess skin on the abdomen. When combined with liposuction, these two procedures allow for contouring of the abdomen to create a significantly changed abdominal contour and an excellent outcome. See our before and after pictures here.
Recent advancements in tissue removal have considerably improved our ability to sculpt the abdomen in those patients who also have additional fat, not just excess skin. With better understanding of safe techniques that can be accomplished at the same time as abdominoplasty, we are able to create optimized outcomes in one step safely.
What’s new?
In addition to removal of excess skin on the abdomen, which is the standard approach to abdominoplasty, the further removal of the deeper layer of fat under the remaining abdominal skin can significantly improve the appearance of the abdomen. This additional fat removal reveals more of the natural contour of the abdominal wall and can minimize the waist circumference, creating a significantly leaner appearing abdomen.
In addition to increased fat removal under the skin, liposuction sculpting techniques in the surrounding areas can be performed. With recent advances in liposuction, we are now able to be more aggressive with the volume removed and are more capable of creating a smoother contour.
What is SAFELipo?
Many patients come to us hoping for improved body contours. This can be accomplished via many different approaches. But, with the recent innovation of SAFELipo®our ability to reach patient goals has been enhanced. Learn more about this new procedure below.
SAFELipo® has the ability to removal substantial amounts of excess fat smoothly and evenly while sparing blood vessels that aid healing. The process decreases risk for contour abnormalities after liposuction even with large volume reduction.
SAFELipo® involves a 3 step process.
Our surgeons begin the process by separating the fat globules from their attachments. This is accomplished using a particular cannula that essentially “emulsifies” the fat without requiring any suction. This separation step makes subsequent removal of the fat easier allowing better preservation of blood vessels that allow the skin to remain healthy and smooth.
Suction of the fat is then performed. This step is easier after separation so is more rapid and is associated with reduced bleeding.
Fat Equalization
After aspiration, a similar cannula is then used without suction to equalize the remaining subcutaneous fat in a consistent layer, leaving a smooth contour. This allows the surgeon to blend the suctioned areas to the surrounding areas and gives the skin a uniform thickness of underlying fat that prevents adhesion of the skin to the muscles and fascia.
Our surgeons are excited to offer this state-of-the-art technique for abdominoplasty, applying our vast experience and integrating new innovative techniques to continue to optimize results for our patients. If you have further questions about it, please reach out to us!