My name is Christal Walstead, I am a licensed aesthetician and laser technician at Northwestern Specialist in Plastic Surgery in Chicago, Illinois.
I was first introduced to Jan Marini Skin Research five years ago while working at Paradise MedSpa in Phoenix, Arizona. At the time our MedSpa was carrying Skin Medica, Obagi, and PCA all medical grade skin care lines. I was satisfied with their performance so I was disappointed when I learned that we were going to introduce yet ANOTHER line of products. I was resistant to the change. Our Jan Marini representative met with our team to describe the science behind the products and explain how they worked together to achieve optimal results. I was impressed with what I learned and curious to try the products out myself.
I am acne prone and have pigment issues (melasma and sun damage to be exact). Within a week I noticed a significant difference in the texture and tone of my skin. I was experiencing fewer breakouts and the redness and pigment actually lightened! I even started getting compliments from my clients and inquiries as to what I was doing differently. After using the Jan Marini program for only a month I was even more thrilled with the results and I was hooked and I started recommending the skin care management system to everyone. I was able to customize my recommendations by adding other products based upon their individual skin concerns and my clients experienced the same positive results I did. I was thrilled not only with my own personal results, but that I was able to share that knowledge and help my clients because I believe 70% of skin care success is a result of good homecare I am proud to be able to provide such a quality medical grade skin care to my clients.
Over the past year and a half at Northwestern Specialist in Plastic Surgery I promoted Jan Marini products to all of my clients and the results have been nothing short of amazing. I am not surprised the Jan Marini Skin Care Management System was voted best skin care system the last 6 years by readers in the popular beauty magazine New Beauty magazine! The company continues to grow and offers unique items and sell through support that I don’t see from other skin care companies and what is best you will not find Jan Marini products discounted online so I can offer the best value to my patients who now come back to me rather than purchasing online like I see with other brands. The support from the company and my local rep Colleen is a true partnership and having a company that stands by their commitment is hard to find these days. The company provides many resources including before and after pictures, peer reviewed clinical studies, and they fund promotions to add extra value I can pass along to my clients because helping my clients is the prime objective of what I do in skin care.
I am so grateful there is a skincare line that can truly transform skin and addresses every modality of skin concern including acne, anti-aging, redness, and pigmentation and the products are supported by research from some leading dermatologists and plastic surgeons.
Overall, Jan Marini products have transformed my own skin and make me feel beautiful and I love hearing that my skin glows. I call it the “Jan Marini Glow”. Who wouldn’t want that?
Jan Marini, thank you for doing what you do.
Christal Walstead, LE, CLT