If you’re like a lot of people, you may be sitting on the sidelines of your life; wanting to change an aspect of your appearance but hesitant to take the leap because you don’t know what to expect. Most patients we meet go through just such a period before moving forward with their consultation. We want to minimize the stress related to cosmetic surgery so patients can focus more on the excitement they feel about having a new and improved appearance. Here, we turn our attention to some of the interesting effects that may occur after breast augmentation.
Women who undergo breast augmentation to enhance the size and shape of their breasts may be startled when their initial results also look like their breasts are sitting high on the chest wall. No, your surgeon did not give you a lift. Breasts “ride high” because the tissue that surrounds breast implants stiffens when it swells after surgery. As swelling subsides, the breasts will gradually drop into their normal position, looking natural and soft.
Breast implants may be placed under superficial tissue or under the muscle. Many women choose the submuscular placement of implants to gain the most natural feel. In the early stages of recovery from breast augmentation, the same swelling and stiffening that causes breasts to appear elevated also creates a firmness that will soften over time.
A suitable compression garment worn as directed is meant to control swelling and manage comfort during the weeks during which swelling is at its peak.
Because breast augmentation involves incisions and the placement of implants against the chest wall, soreness is one of the resulting side effects of this cosmetic procedure. Like other side effects, most patients expect some degree of discomfort. What may be unexpected is tenderness in the nipple area. Tenderness and even a mild lack of sensation are normal so long as there are no indications of infection, such as discharge.
There are several ways in which breast augmentation may affect sensation and overall breast shape during the recovery phase of the transformational journey. Each side effect dissipates in its own time, with the outcome of surgery most evident after the six-month mark.
Learn more about breast augmentation and how we can help you love your shape. Call our Chicago office at (312) 266-6240.